Teaching Areas of Hong Yin
Hong Yin is a passionate art educator who brings her wealth of experience to inspire the creative minds of students, fostering a deeper appreciation for the world of art. She has taught as an Assistant Professor of Art at Muskingum University and her teaching areas include Western art history, art appreciation, and graphic design.

Art History
Muskingum University course descriptions
Art 350 Art History I (3 credit hours)
This course introduces Western art from prehistory through Roman classicism and visual art from non-western cultures. Understanding of historical and cultural context is stressed.
Contents include Prehistoric Art, Ancient Near Eastern Art, Egyptian Art, Aegean Art, Greek Art, Etruscan Art, and Roman Art.
Art 351 Art History II (3 credit hours)
This course investigates Western art from early Medieval times through the end of the 1700s. Stylistic influences are stressed.
Contents include Early Christian Art, Byzantine Art, Islamic Art, Early Medieval Art, Romanesque Art, Gothic Art, Renaissance Art, Baroque Art, and Rococo Art.
Art 352 Art History III (3 credit hours)
This course is an investigation of why and how Western art changes from the early 1800s to the present. Conceptual and multi-cultural influences are stressed.
Contents include Neoclassicism, Romanticism, Realism, Academic, Impressionism, Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood, Pictorialism, Post-Impressionism, Symbolism, Art Nouveau, Modern Design, Fauvism, Cubism, Primitivism, Expressionism, Futurism, Dada, Art Deco, International Style, Formalist Abstraction, Minimal and Post-Minimal, Earthworks, and Conceptual Art.

Introduction to Art
Muskingum University course description
Art 151 Introduction to Art (3 credit hours)
This course expands the student's awareness and understanding of the visual arts through art theory and critical analysis by emphasizing present, historical and multi-cultural perspectives.

Graphic Design
Art 170 Graphic Design I (3 credit hours)This course introduces elements of two-dimensional, visual communication design. Highlights include an investigation of basic concepts and principles of graphic design and an introduction to utilization of computer software programs in representation, creation, and study of designs. Students design and produce basic-level design projects in a computer-based environment.
Art 270 Graphic Design II (3 credit hours)
This course includes computer-based graphic design areas, and teaches page design and layout of various types. Typography, image, space, color, and form will be integrated as the term progresses. Emphasis is placed on students' application of design concepts to communication purpose, on solutions for specific client areas, and on development of visual designs that effectively communicate the desired message.
Art 370 Graphic Design III (3 credit hours)
This course focuses on advanced graphic design concepts and ideas, as well as in-depth graphic design features on the computer. Production technology is discussed. Advanced graphic communication and typography concepts are studied. Graphic design in a variety of programs in marketing, communications, advertising, public relations, and journalism is highlighted. Students work towards building finished portfolio contents.