Yan Sun Art Museum & Gallery is a place where artistic diversity is represented. Housed within a historic 1929 Art Deco building, our museum breathes new life into its timeless architecture through remarkable artworks created by talented artists. Our art collection is diverse and includes paintings, sculptures, ceramics, photography, glass, and crafts. Featured artists include:
Georges Robin (French), David Hostetler, Ernest Freed, Hugo Ofverstrom (Swedish), Gerald Westgerdes, Rolf Svedberg (Swedish), Zongjiang Ding (Chinese), Martha Himelick Freed, Leslie Cope, Charles Dietz, Marilyn Westgerdes, Tabatha Trolli-DiLoreto, Peggy Sibila, Paul Emory, Michael Seiler, Todd Malenke, Mary Ann Bucci, Charles Graham, Barbara Hill-Rickman, Madaline Pepper, Joan Quinn, Marilyn Stocker, and Tori Alexander.
The collection also includes artworks by African, Cuban, and Guatemala artists.
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